Leedana Consulting Group Presents,

The Future of Agriculture - Sandponic/IAVS

Leedana grows organic vegetables in sand without wasting a drop of water. We are focused on operating new farms with a strong emphasis on water and energy efficiency, inspired by SASB to elevate sustainability standards within our Farm Network


Less Water

Save 90% of Water used in Normal Farms

Less Energy

Save 80% of Energy used in Vertical Farming

Less Waste

A closed-loop system, where every resource is reused, minimizing input costs

One Input

1 kg of fish feed produces 6 kg of diverse, high-quality produce—tomatoes, lettuce, tilapia and more

Redefining Agriculture with Sandponics​

Founded in Montreal, operating in Egypt, expanding to the outskirts of Latin America, 
Leedana Sandponics dreams to provide everyone access to affordable healthy food while conserving precious water.

Annual Impact of Leedana’s Farm in Fayoum, Egypt

24 Million Litres of Water Recycled Every Year

That is enough to fill almost 10 Olympic-sized pools.

20,000 Healthy Meals Provided Every Year

Imagine feeding an entire small town with fresh, organic vegetables and fish.

213 Tons of Carbon Emission Saved Every Year

Equivalent to taking 45 cars off the road for a year.


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Empowering Farmers, Revolutionizing Farming

Discover our Global Sandponics Hub—a collaborative initiative uniting sandponic farms worldwide. This platform highlights pioneering efforts in sustainable agriculture, showcasing innovative practices and impactful results. By connecting diverse farms, we aim to inspire and drive the evolution of water-efficient farming.

Global SandFarms and Leedana’s Impact