Sweet Potato Innovat …



Target Beneficiaries : Researchers, agricultural development agencies, and sweetpotato farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.

Goals : Demonstrate a cost-effective method for high-quality sweetpotato vine multiplication using sandponics.

Community impact : Successfully proved that sandponics is a viable alternative for sweetpotato vine multiplication, paving the way for its adoption in sub-Saharan Africa.


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The Sweetpotato Innovators Sandfarm, led by the International Potato Center (CIP) in collaboration with agricultural research stations in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, and Zambia, pioneered the use of sandponics to produce high-quality sweetpotato vines. This project replaced costly and environmentally damaging soil sterilization with locally available sand and an optimized nutrient solution, resulting in a 21.8% higher vine yield compared to traditional methods. By lowering production costs and improving access to reliable planting materials, this initiative is making a significant impact on food security and sustainable farming in sub-Saharan Africa, aligning with Leedana’s mission to promote water-efficient and eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Learn more about this research “Pre-basic Sweetpotato Vine Multiplication Using a Sandponics System.”

Additional information


Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia

Year Built


Greenhouse Structure

Mid Tech

Nutritional Quality


Farmers Taught


Water Reuse Efficiency


Food Grown / Fish Feed (kg)


kWh / kg of food


Land Regenerated